A Double Slope Skylight in Cambridge, MA

by | Mar 27, 2022 | Construction

Our wide range of fully customizable skylight products can be added to virtually any space. For that reason, other industry professionals often enlist our services as a subcontractor to provide the specialized design, manufacture, and installation of specifically requested glass components, like skylight,  to be used in larger construction projects they’re helming. Today’s build journal is one such example: Sunspace Design teamed up with two fellow businesses: Matthew Fischer Custom Builder out of Arlington, Massachusetts (general contractor) and Moskow Linn Architects Inc out of Boston, Massachusetts. The Sunspace team contributed a gorgeous double slope custom mahogany skylight to a Cambridge property. The build journal below explores the process—let’s dive in!

Two drawings of the project:
1) An overhead view of the skylight framing (with flashing), and 2) a cross-section.

The solid mahogany frame has been shop-primed in white.
The unit is installed in the opening constructed by the general contractor.

The skylight is set on the sloped curb frame provided by the general contractor.

The frame is installed. Both slopes are now ready to receive glass.

High-performance insulated glass is placed. We’re now ready for flashing and capping.

Copper capping and flashing have been added to the exterior.

Copper work is now complete!

Another view of the skylight’s double slope.

The room below receives finishes as the skylight is completed.

The interior is now complete (with accent lighting).

If you’re a New England professional in the architectural or construction industries looking for a specialty glass design-build firm, Sunspace Design might be the ideal fit. To learn more about partnering with us, please submit the details of your project via our contact form, by writing to us at info@sunspacedesign.com, or by dialing 1-800-530-2505. We’re eager to help bring the beauty of natural sunlight to your clients.

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